Tuesday 30th Of November 2004
Let go and let God. This is the quickest and easiest path to complete peace in a hectic world.
When you let go of negative energy in negative situations, it makes room for peaceful and positive energy. Negative and positive emotion cannot occupy the same space, so you must let go of one, to experience the other.
Forgiving another usually means you have let go, and it is you who gains the benefit of letting go..once you realize this, you will never hang on to useless negative emotion for long periods of time. Look at children, they never seem to hang on for long, they let go very easily, then completely forget.
Try and make a conscious decision today, to let go. Watch your emotions and interactions with others, and take control of yourself. Stick to the conscious path of self observation, you'll be glad you did because the rewards are tremendous..I guarantee it.