Getting Past Gambling

A place to come and share experiences, to find support and strength, for those of us who are putting gambling behind us and finding new exciting and happier ways to live our lives.
" You never achieve real success unless you like what you are doing."
*Dale Carnegie {1888-1955 American Author & Achievement Expert}

Sunday, January 30, 2005


Sunday 30th Of January 2005

I had no clue about love as I know it today. I always thought that what I felt when I was in love was what I needed to feel. What I see clearly now is that the love I felt was usually attached to someone who made me feel good or was who I wanted them to be. The need to be filled up or to be filling someone else with love was the spark that ignited me

Every relationship that I attracted was exciting until issues came up and I was forced to feel the void within me. The experience then became empty or simply shut down.

Every relationship showed me either my neediness for love and attention or my own lack of love. I expected so much and the other person always felt my disappointment. I went to the brink of despair and felt the void in every aspect of my life. Once I felt it fully, however, and took responsibility for it, I realized that it wasn't someone else's love I needed to look for, it was mine.

Saturday, January 29, 2005


Saturday 29th Of January 2005

If we are willing to let go of our past over and over again, we will experience growth and change. Then we can evolve out of the space we are in and move forward.

We may feel like we are going backwards for a time but beyond the fire of uncomfortable emotions comes more space with more love and peace.

Friday, January 28, 2005


Friday 28th Of January 2005

Someone who is feeling empty or lonely may look for someone or something to fillthe void of love.

This person searches for love outside themselves.

Needy love feeds inauthentic behavior and is unattractive.

Thursday, January 27, 2005


Thursday 27th Of January 2005

Any feeling, other than peace and love, awakens all of your senses to remind you that there is something blocking the way to your peace

.Peace is the fountain of youth ...let go of your emotional heaviness and connect with the peace in your open heart.

Your Peace is the pathway to the love in you.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Wednesday 26th Of January 2005

Being a leader might be a role you're given or a position that has been handed to you. You might be extremely well paid to lead or manage people. However, I believe that the more connected you are to yourself and the more comfortable you are, the better you will lead and inspire others.

I have seen leadership in a person who is not recognized by title or salary. Leadership occurs where there is inspiration from within, when you have self-worth and are at peace.


Tuesday 25th Of January 2005

When our head and heart meet in a relationship, we are brought into the present and feel connected to everything around us. This relationship between our head and our heart allows us to be in a place where our intellect and feelings merge, creating the wisdom to make choices without fear. If we don't use our heart when making decisions, our head can keep us stuck in distractions or in wounds from the past or fear of the future, holding us in self-doubt or dysfunctional behavior.

Our heart reminds us of who we are, restores our self-worth and keeps us connected and committed to the strength of our relationship within. This experience opens us up to fully connect with our inner peace and strength, freeing us to be fully aware of our personal and professional relationships and experiences. To be all that we can be, free of fear and self-doubt.

Monday, January 24, 2005


Our self-worth leads us to more love and our self-love lifts our self-worth to a higher vibration. This experience is the awakening of our life force and the realization of our perfection and uniqueness.

Monday 24th Of January 2005

The beauty of space within attracts the miracle of life, birthed in each moment without our control. The harmony of our breath.. without the interference of details and struggle, make way for the space that is already there.

Take the time to walk with this space, inside and outside of us. Be in this place, and feel the nothingness of everything. Lift our own vibration to the level where we have no mind.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Friday 21st Of January 2005

If we have a lot of unfelt anger or rage we will attract experiences that bring it out to be felt.

Saturday 22nd January 2005

Our self-worth leads us to more love and our self-love lifts our self-worth to a higher vibration. This experience is the awakening of our life force and the realization of our perfection and uniqueness.

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Thursday 20th Of January 2005

We can ignore our emotions but they will eventually become so powerful that they will attract experiences that force us to feel.

If we are depressed, we will attract experiences that are going to make us more depressed.

If we don't respect ourselves, we will attract people who don't respect us.

If we have self-worth issues, we will attract experiences and people that make us feel unworthy.

If we are afraid of loss, we will lose.

If we can't be alone, or fear being alone, we willattract a lonely life.

I was afraid of a lot of things and I attracted all my fears.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Wednesday 19th Of January 2005

The first step to living authentically is being in touch with your emotions. If we don't deal with our emotions inside, if we don't take care of them or own them, THEY LEAK OUT.

Our energy or behavior will tell the truth and create an experience that is not attractive or appealing. The phrase "I cannot tell a lie" should be "I might be able to tell a lie but my energy, behavior or personality will tell the truth."

We can always be felt by others, especially if they are present and in touch with their own feelings. We can pretend, but our unfelt emotions, if not taken care of, will show on us.

Stop faking it. People can feel you.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Tuesday 18th Of January 2005

There is nothing outside of ourselves that will make us truly happy until we feel joy, peace and love within. Let's be realistic and find out who we are, not who we think we should be, or the person others think we are.

Our own belief system should be true to self.

We're all the same, with the same issues.

What makes us different is our behavior or our misbehavior.

Take Responsibility for every opportunity that will teach us more about who we are.

Monday, January 17, 2005


Monday 17th Of January 2005

Give yourself permission not to give anyone your love, your pain or your anger.

From this day forward commit to living in the present, connected with your self-worth.

Let everyone learn how to find their own love inside.

If you give everyone your love, in order to make them comfortable, what's left for you?

You could be limiting other people's growth because they always need your love and presence to feel good

Sunday, January 16, 2005


Saturday 15th Of January 2005

It is not just being present in the moment and going with the flow of life that will take us gently to the next moment.

It is about seeing and hearing what is really going on; not to deny ourselves one instance of truth.

To be awake to what we see for ourselves and what others say to us.

In this instant of each experience know that we have not denied ourselves anything.

Friday, January 14, 2005


Friday 14th Of January 2005

Sometimes in our lives we reach rock bottom.

We experience what we call HELL.

For each of us it's dressed up differently, but for all of us it is dark, tough and devastating.

This HELL can be our awakening.

Some people call it a breakdown; I believe it is a breakthrough.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Thursday 13th Of January 2005

Feel good in your skin and in your life, to love and appreciate the person you are.

Rise to your true potential knowing that everything you need is within you.

You might be in a place in your life where you don't want to wear your "self" any longer . you may be tired and want to change your dance step.

You may be ready for a very important committed relationship with yourself.

As with any new relationship, it's time to get to know YOU, to Look Inside To Find Yourself.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Tuesday 11th Of January 2005

Outer confidence can give us courage, but we should not mistake it for inner confidence or a sense of self-worth.

Developing an inner confidence will support our outer confidence.

The journey to our authentic self is like any intimate relationship .

It requires truth and commitment.

Monday, January 10, 2005


Friday 7th Of January 2005

How can I speed up my spiritual journey?

This is a question asked by many people who seek the rewards of the spiritual journey.

One way is to be completely honest with yourself.

Sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking we are something that we are not.In the journey of self discovery, this is called painting false images of ourselves which are not true, then putting our faith into these false images of ourselves and turning them into gods.

One of the fastest ways to open and honest self discovery, is to find these false images, and expose them to ourselves. Say to yourself. "This is not part of the real me!"

Monday, January 03, 2005

Inspired to change?

Are you getting the most benefit from these short Inner Journeys? Here are some ways to progressively stimulate more and more growth and change from these messages:- Read them quickly for momentary inspiration and move on to the next email.

- Print them and keep them visible so you are conscious of the message during the day.
- Take just 30 seconds and write in your journal as little as one word or a few sentences about how you connect with each message.
- Take just 3 to 5 minutes to relax, reflect and contemplate on the messages that touch you. And then write a short note in your journal.
- When a message really hits home, make the effort to explore the program that delves into that topic more deeply.

At a minimum, if a message strikes any nerve at all, take a few seconds to become aware of what nerve was struck and what it means to you.
This process builds awareness, and awareness brings change and growth - automatically!

"Everyone stumbles over the truth from time to time, but most people pick themselves up and hurry off as though nothing ever happened."
-- Sir Winston Churchill

Sunday, January 02, 2005


"Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart desires must come to you."
-- Shakti Gawain

We hold the power to create whatever we desire. Our ability to manifest the changes we desire depends on the depth and passion of our beliefs and on the focus of our attention.
With this understanding, we, as individuals and as society, can design a whole new future for ourselves. Our challenge is to break free of society’s world view, to truly empower our imaginations to create brand new realities. It brings a whole new meaning to ‘vision.’
What do you passionately desire for your own life? For the planet?

"By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The non-existent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired."
-- Nikos Kazantzakis

Saturday, January 01, 2005


Saturday 1st Of January 2005

Can you please predict my future?

If you don't change yourself today, you will get tomorrow, much more of the same that you got yesterday. The future for most people is usually a reflection of what they got in the past, albeit in another form.

To change the future, you must change yourself in the present moment. It is in the present moment that all change occurs.

You can eliminate all your past sin in a single instant. Just one single decision made in the present moment is enough to erase your whole past, allowing you to escape all future consequences of your past karma.

This quote is an excerpt from the "Visualize and Achieve" e-book....Click Here To Read More:-

Define 'rich'

"It ain't so much trouble to get rich as it is to tell when we have got rich."
-- Josh Billings

How do you define ‘rich’?
If you want greater wealth, what does that mean for you? A large annual income? If so, how large? A beautiful home? Health? Security? Happiness? To be in service?
Get really specific about what would bring you a rich life. There are no right and wrong answers here. Don’t judge your desires. Just dig deep to discover what it is that you really want. If you want things, explore what qualities of life those things represent to you.
"No one can tell whether they are richer or poor by turning to their ledger. It is the heart that makes a person rich. One is rich according to what one is, not according to what one has."
-- Henry Ward Beecher

"If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed."
-- Edmund Burke